About Creativityn
Increasing complexity and worldwide developments, like climate change, are urging innovation. Creativity is one of the core abilities for the 21st century, mentioned by the World Economic Forum as the 3rd most important skill for 2020, right after Complex Problem Solving and Critical thinking.
Scientists are researching creativity for more than 100 years. Yet most theory does not reach practitioners. There is great unused knowledge to discover! Creativityn is your partner in this expedition.
It is our mission to create the ultimate guide to creativity: How to become a super problem solver?!
In doing so Creativityn makes it a priority to study, synthesize and transform theory on creativity into practical methods and techniques. Click here to find out what we can do for you.
There is no ‘i’ in ‘team’. Creativityn is the sole entrepreneurship of Willemijn Brouwer. Please forgive the use of ‘we’ and ‘our’ throughout this website, I am not trying to be royal. I am inviting scientists and influencers to join me in this quest.
About Willemijn
The professional
‘I have a Bachelors degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Masters degree in Strategic Product Design from the same faculty and university (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, Faculty of Industrial Desing Engineering), and a love for creativity, humor and knowledge. Since 2011 I am working as an independent consultant, facilitator and trainer of creativity.
I also develop business games (see Your Nine Dots ) and I work as a teacher at my old faculty. In this role I also co-develop a new Minor with the title ‘Connected Creativity’, starting in September 2020.
Creativityn was born out of frustration. In my experience many creativity experts claim to hold the thruth on creativity and claim the other view is ‘wrong’, while actually their ideas do not oppose but complement each other. I want to create the complete story.’
The person
‘I was born in the awesome ’80 (1982). I have brothers. I love to brush my teeth and drink coffee afterward. When I was little I had a cat, I named her Katja, meaning literally Cat-yes, in Dutch. I thought it was a logical name.
I don’t like smartphones. I think I am empathic, but who am I to judge. I read War and Peace from Tolstoy and thereafter read the newest chick-lit from Jill Mansell. In my mid-30’s I have grey hairs but because I’m blond they don’t stand out. I like A-line dresses.
I wish I could play an instrument, without practice. I think I’m funny, which is an aweful thing to say about yourself. Since I have children of my own I cry at every stupid movie when something bad happens to a child. I love games, puzzles, paradoxes and riddles.
I think I am resourceful, flexible and assertive. And I think I’m lucky.’
Wat anderen zeggen
Inspiration for inspiration
Would you like to receive the Creativity Quartet 2020 as inspiration? Think about how you can inspire us. For example, we have a coffee, you send us a book or article, link us to a person, point us to a website, etc. Leave your name and e-mail address and we’ll contact you for further information. We will not use your e-mail address to send you offers and won’t give away your information to other parties.