Lees hier inzichten over creativiteit, gebaseerd op de theorie van creativiteit. De content is van deze pagina is anders dan de inhoud ieder managementboek, omdat wij geen eigen methode heb die we moeten verkopen. Wij willen simpelweg weten hoe het zit en alle dimensies van creativiteit ontdekken.
Deze artikelen zijn in het Engels en gratis te lezen. Doe er vooral je voordeel mee.

CQ24: The 3 secrets of Design Thinking
Design Thinking is hot. Most non-design professionals know ‘the design process’ as a method called Design Thinking. A potential reason for its popular

CQ23: Creative Problem Solving, the ins and outs
As the term implies, CPS is a method to train people on how to enhance their creativity and become more ‘creative’ problems-solver. I am positive that

CQ22: Deliberate creativity methods
Can we be creative by choice? The word ‘deliberate’ implies we can. In this chapter I will describe four methods all based on the idea that we can be

CQ21: How do people solve problems?
The Cognitive Analytical Model (CAM) is described by Robert W. Weisberg in his 2006 book: Creativity: Understanding Innovation in Problem Solving, Sci

CQ20: Geneplore: theory ready for practical use
Geneplore is a merge of two words: generate & explore (Finke, et al., 1992). The Geneplore model is described in a book called Creative Cognition,

CQ19: Three Components of Creative Performance by Amabile
Teresa Amabile (1950-going strong), distinguished and retired Harvard Professor, but as many retired professors, still working. Last Summer at the Cre

CQ18: Preparation, Incubation, Illumination, Verification
You know that feeling when you finish a book, close the cover, hold it in front of you, and you think: ‘WOW!’? I had that with the Art of Thought from

CQ17: Theoretical models on creativity, where to start?
There are as many theoretical models on creativity as models in the first episode of a new season of America’s Next Top Model. Fortunately, we have a

CQ16: There is no such thing as Creative Thinking
I finished Robert Weisberg’s 600+ page book on creativity in 2016. Weisberg (2006) concludes that creative thinking doesn’t exist. He makes a strong c

CQ15: What is the difference between creativity and innovation?
I recently became the new President of the European Association of Creativity & Innovation (EACI)*. From that perspective, it would be nice to cla

CQ14: What is Creativity?
Understanding how people create has been a serious topic for philosophy since the Renaissance (CQ9). But when Guilford acknowledges creativity to be a

CQ13: Could Einstein paint like Picasso?
Could Einstein paint like Picasso? No. And Picasso was no brainiac like Einstein was. We give both men credit for their great creative contributions,
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