creativity creativiteit creative thinking

CQ16: There is no such thing as Creative Thinking

19/04/2020 |

I finished Robert Weisberg’s 600+ page book on creativity in 2016. Weisberg (2006) concludes that creative thinking doesn’t exist. He makes a strong c

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creativity creativiteit innovation

CQ15: What is the difference between creativity and innovation?

12/04/2020 |

I recently became the new President of the European Association of Creativity & Innovation (EACI)*. From that perspective, it would be nice to cla

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creativity debates

CQ14: What is Creativity?

05/04/2020 |

Understanding how people create has been a serious topic for philosophy since the Renaissance (CQ9). But when Guilford acknowledges creativity to be a

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creativity creativiteit domain specific general trait

CQ13: Could Einstein paint like Picasso?

29/03/2020 |

Could Einstein paint like Picasso? No. And Picasso was no brainiac like Einstein was. We give both men credit for their great creative contributions,

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creativity creativiteit debates

CQ12: Theory vs. Practice: Finding your way through theory as creativity practitioner

21/03/2020 |

  The problem occurs when you are a practitioner like us. It is our job to get other people more creative. It would be nice to understand how cre

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